September 29, 2022
In a good faith effort to collaborate with approved Section 8 applicants and in understanding that the Section 8 approval process may exceed typical timelines, Statewide Enterprises agrees to hold apartments for approved Section 8 applicants for four weeks from the date an application is submitted. In order for this hold to take place, the approved Section 8 applicant must pay the full security deposit as a refundable holding deposit within 24-hours of the approved application notification from the corporate office. Approved Section 8 applicants who pay the refundable holding/security deposit to remove the unit from the rental market should be aware that Statewide Enterprises will not hold a unit for more than four weeks from the date an application is submitted, regardless of the rationale for the delay . Statewide Enterprises believes that four weeks should be sufficient time to reconcile any requirements necessary to move forward with a move-in and, due to the financial loss of extending move-in dates, will cancel the application if the lease is not finalized within the four weeks. With that being said, if the Section 8 process (e.g. inspections, rent offer, etc.) following the application approval exceeds that amount of time, regardless of whom or what has caused the delay, the approval shall be rescinded, all funds (except the application fee) returned to the applicant, and the unit will be returned to the rental market. In these cases, after a unit has been returned to the market, if a previously-approved Section 8 applicant becomes ready to sign a lease immediately and the unit is still available, Statewide Enterprises is willing to reopen the application at that time. The lease would need to have a move-in date no further than two days from the date the application is reopened. If, at the time of expiration of the four-week hold period, the approved Section 8 applicant wishes to proceed to pay the remaining move-in funds and sign the lease agreement independently of Section 8 - until the remaining components of the Section 8 process can be completed - they shall have an opportunity to do so. In this case, the Lease Agreement would have a start date that falls within the four-week period. Statewide Enterprises reserves the right to reject Section 8 applicants in those properties where Section 8 has previously rejected ownership's participation, has not been willing to approve the scheduled rent amount, or where Section 8 has not made the contracted payment to the Landlord. Additionally, any specific units that have already been held for the four-week period for an approved Section 8 applicant and are ultimately returned to the rental market due to the Section 8 process not being finalized, will not be held for another Section 8 applicant for an additional four weeks. UPDATE AS OF 11/10/2022: Please note that, while Statewide Enterprises does accept third-party payment assistance, any payment assistance related to security and/or holding deposits must be paid on the due date indicated upon approval (i.e. within the 24-hour holding deposit period following approval, on or before the move-in date, etc.). Promissory notes and/or agreements for future payments of deposit funds following move-in will not be acceptable.